Why you should buy One Wilson Square
With so many other high-rise developments within Greenhills and San Juan area, what is it about One Wilson Square that makes it an investors’ trove? It is a combination of factors that make this the hottest and most in demand address in Metro Manila, particularly in San Juan City.
Location is number one. One Wilson Square is located within a few steps to some of the finest educational institutions and other establishments like malls and shopping centers. Therefore, you do not have to travel far in order to meet your needs. In fact, some of the shops and malls are within walking distance. You can therefore save on fuel and transportation cost if you need to go out and buy some groceries or supplies. The same thing with sending your child to school as some schools are located within a few blocks away.
If you want to escape the urban jungle and explore open and green spaces, you can also do that. One Wilson Square Place is only a few minutes away from exclusive golf clubs in Greenhills, such as the Wack Wack Golf & Country Club. Indeed, the golf course is so close that you can wake up to the fresh smell of a green landscape. This is not such a bad thing to wake up to especially since the central location also means you are right at the heart of the metropolis.
Above all, One Wilson Square Place is developed by Federal Land, Inc. This is one of the Philippines’ prime real estate developers specializing in developing various kinds of properties such as residential condominiums, retail spaces and communities. Their combined experience and expertise can guarantee that you can expect nothing less of world-class quality construction.